School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois; student of Frederick W. Freer
March 23-April 19, 1891: Third Spring Exhibition of Water Color, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois; The Old Beech Tree
April 24-May 10, 1891: Eighth Annual Exhibition Palette Club, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois; An Afternoon’s Sketch, oil
1892: Ninth Annual Exhibition of the Palette Club, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
1892: Ninth Annual Exhibition of the Palette Club, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois; Birds Nests Amid the Bittersweet, oil; Christophina, oil; Daffodils, oil
December 1, 1892-?: Tenth Annual Exhibition of the Palette Club, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois; Apple Blossoms, oil; Study-Head of a Young Man, oil; Portrait Sketch, watercolor